so... this was kind of a weird filler year, huh? (well, to me at least.)
honestly not the most productive year, but it certainly was a year!
i've just been finishing up college and graduation's ONE whole semester away right now, and i still need to figure out what to do next afterwards, so, there's that.
and then i've been feeling quite a bit of burnout during october, didn't feel like i could get anything done, i just felt kind of...

although my year didn't really go as planned, i'm at least proud of a few things i did this year.
honestly? looking back, this year really wasn't as bad as 2022.
last year i set some goals for myself to finish SOMETHING for once, and honestly?

i feel like i've kind of met some of the goals i've set up for myself last year, i mean if we're counting finishing lil side projects (music, flipnote animations, animation projects i've just done recently for my 3D animation class) as something, sure.
like, i've redesigned my PFP after like, what, 4 years since making the previous one?
with once again, thanks to the help of @funktoonmix for giving me pointers
had a blast individually making this short loop through traditional cel animation (technically, this had been in development since last december) and a lot of people really enjoyed this one, for everyone i showed this to
made a couple fun little animations earlier this year in Flipnote, too (Monty's Revenge) (a rat's opinion on [current event])
and i kind of played around with the idea of commissions and stuff, hoping to go through with it full-on in the next year or so
plus i tried to step out of my comfort zone and be more socially active, managed to make some new friends, too!
people say that you are your own worst critic, and they're right
made myself feel like i've accomplished nothing, when really, i've got SOME stuff done at least, really doesn't matter how big or ambitious the projects were, i really can't say i did nothing this year, cause that means i completely gloss over the smaller things in life.
and i really cannot say this was a bad year. sure it probably could've been better had i actively been drawing more full pieces and not post as sporadically
but the year before? 2022? that, i would genuinely say it was a bad year, especially for what my mom had to go through.
but to wrap it up, thanks for sticking around, i really do appreciate the support and the fact that you like my stuff keeps me going, and once again, apologies for the multiple gaps throughout the year, it was really kind of a hands-off year in regards to social media, and i feel like i've focused more on just trying to talk to people more than simply using social media for stuff
as you've noticed in the tagline, i'm probably just going to continue my break from my socials through january, but i'll still be active on Discord if you need to talk to me or something. i just didn't want to skip new year's eve without saying anything.
course i've got some plans for next year... but i won't reveal em until later
hope you all had a good year, and i'll see you next year!
PS: here's just one more little thing before the year goes out: